Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bat Rep - New Deathwing vs. Nurgle Daemons

A friend of mine is attempting to enter the tournament scene, and -fortuitously for him- he runs a Deathwing army. I figured that the Adepticon Primer 40k Championship Primer Mission 1 would be a good start for him, and I was itching to try the new format myself.

In 1750, he was running:
1750 Pts - Dark Angels Roster

Total Roster Cost: 1715

HQ: Belial, Master of the Deathwing (1#, 130 pts)
1 Belial, Master of the Deathwing, 130 pts

HQ: Interrogator-Chaplain (1#, 145 pts)
1 Interrogator-Chaplain, 0 pts
1 Terminator Armour, 145 pts

Troops: Upgraded Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 265 pts)
4 Upgraded Deathwing Terminator Squad, 222 pts = 4 * 43 (base cost 43) + Cyclone Missile Launcher 20 + Apothecary 30
1 Sergeant, 43 pts

5 * Troops: Deathwing Terminator Squad (5#, 235 pts)
4 Deathwing Terminator Squad, 192 pts = 4 * 43 (base cost 43) + Cyclone Missile Launcher 20
1 Sergeant, 43 pts

I had my Daemons with me, and decided to see how it would all work out.

Total Roster Cost: 1749

HQ: Epidemius (1#, 110 pts)
1 Epidemius, 110 pts

HQ: Great Unclean One (1#, 160 pts)
1 Great Unclean One, 160 pts

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle (20#, 325 pts)
20 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, 325 pts = 20 * 15 (base cost 15) + DG: Chaos Icon x1 25

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle (8#, 145 pts)
8 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, 145 pts = 8 * 15 (base cost 15) + DG: Chaos Icon x1 25

Troops: Nurglings (7#, 91 pts)
7 Nurglings, 91 pts = 7 * 13

Troops: Nurglings (7#, 91 pts)
7 Nurglings, 91 pts = 7 * 13

Troops: Nurglings (7#, 91 pts)
7 Nurglings, 91 pts = 7 * 13

Troops: Nurglings (7#, 91 pts)
7 Nurglings, 91 pts = 7 * 13

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos (1#, 235 pts)
1 Daemon Prince of Chaos, 235 pts = (base cost 80) + DG: Daemonic Flight 60 + DG: Iron Hide 30 + MC: Mark of Nurgle 30 + DGN: Cloud of Flies 5 + DGN: Noxious Touch 10 + rDG: Daemonic Gaze 20

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos (1#, 235 pts)
1 Daemon Prince of Chaos, 235 pts = (base cost 80) + DG: Daemonic Flight 60 + DG: Iron Hide 30 + MC: Mark of Nurgle 30 + DGN: Cloud of Flies 5 + DGN: Noxious Touch 10 + rDG: Daemonic Gaze 20

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos (1#, 175 pts)
1 Daemon Prince of Chaos, 175 pts = (base cost 80) + DG: Iron Hide 30 + MC: Mark of Nurgle 30 + DGN: Cloud of Flies 5 + DGN: Noxious Touch 10 + rDG: Daemonic Gaze 20

The mission set up was a pitched battle (which since we were both deep-striking, we ignored) that contained three separate sub-missions.

1. Annihilation, ie, Kill Points.
2. Killing the costliest unit.
3. Three objective markers- one in the center, and two placed in each deployment zone, by your opponent.

We rolled off, and he gave me first turn, which would allow him to take the last objective run. We also set up a 2 hour time limit, to give him a better feel for the time limits tournament games require.

I get first turn, and he's held everything in reserve to DS. I roll, and I get my favored wave: Epidemius with his small body guard, the two flying princes, and two squads of nurglings. E and his boys drop on "my side" near my objective, and the two nurgling squads drop near there, and the princes drop near the table center, behind the central building. Having nothing to shoot, and nothing to do, the various parties run and spread out.

His largest point squad drops near his objective (a mishap occurred and I placed them there in a crater, hoping for some dangerous terrain rolls, but got nothing), and Deathwing squad materialized near mine. He looked like he'd scatter off the board, but he was able to place all of them quite easily, with a good quarter inch to spare on the backside. Another squad dropped right of center after their scatter, placing them within easy reach of one of my daemon princes next turn. Sadly, the Deathwing's combined fire and my poor rolls stripped the Daemon Prince of all but one wound, and sent a few plaguebearers back to the warp.

When my turn came around, all my nurglings came in, but the Great Unclean One and the walking prince failed to show. My wounded prince flew toward the closest squad, ready to put the hurt on the 5++ save Death Wing. He took one down with his Daemonic Gaze, and looked like he was going to tear them a new one in CC, but Brad made all his saves, and the Daemon Prince was soon powerfisted into a greasy stain. This trend would continue all night. The Deathwing squad down south was tied up over a series of 6 rounds of combat with 14 bases of nurglings, and ended up losing only three models to the snotty buggers.

The center objective was contested by nurglings and the twenty man plague bearers, and that had a DSing deathwing tossed into that. Slowly, over time, they too were whittled down, but a last man stood to contest it, and also to deny me a kill point. When time was called on the end of the fourth turn, I had yet to kill an entire unit, and I had just finished killing 11 models (a key point of the game). Had we continued at that point, all my models would wound on 2+ poisoned attacks, allowing my nurglings to have a much greater effect on the outcome. Alas, it was not to be, and Brad beat me on two missions to none.


  1. Two very interesting and different armies fighting it out -- a very entertaining battle from your account! Nice write up, but a pity that the battle did not last much longer!

  2. It was a grind and a half. Papa Nurgle kept wishing that his creation's scabrous claws would find purchase, but that durn 2+ armor save kept getting in the way. :)

    We kept a good pace, but it just took so long with all the CC going on... I mean, when a seven pack of nurglings charge, it's 28 dice!

    We also had a new guy asking questions, which slowed us down, but we didn't mind so much. He's good people, and we want to get him up to speed.
