A war gaming blog, covering Malifaux and 40k, and just slightly obsessing on models with fur hats
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Bizarre Bazaar
My local Games Workshop, Yorkridge (aka 'orkridge), had a Bizzare Bazaar yesterday, and I feel like I made out like a bandit. I ended up with the makings for a Daemons of Chaos Warhammer Fantasy Army, and about 900 points of Beastmen, all for trading stuff that I wasn't using, and didn't want. This solidifies my entrance in to the forbidden world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
If you've never had a hobby swap meet, I highly recommend having your local shop do one. The way that the BB works is that no chash is exchanged, only bitz, models, and gift cards. If you're like me, you've got tons of hobby stuff taking up space that you no longer want, but someone else will. The store benefits from the gift cards burning a hole in the various participant's pockets. The atmosphere was good natured trading, and you can end up with some very neat odds and ends.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Warhammer Fantasy Review: A Fresh Perpective
Before I get into this review, I will give you a bit of a back ground. I have always preferred Sci-Fi over Fantasy fiction. I always preferred the rational to the mystical. I never really "got" fantasy fiction, I never saw the appeal. It probably didn't help that during the time I grew up, "good" fantasy was hard to find. That changed with, like a lot of people, the Lord of the Rings movies. They made a fantasy world feel real, and I finally understood what the appeal to those types of settings where.
So naturally in the early 00's, when I got into miniature wargaming my tendency was towards Warhammer 40k. And 40k will always be my first love; tanks, Space Marines, and mass carnage will keep me in that game a very long time.
But Warhammer was always there, and always tempted me. I always loved it's background, and the mixture of so many fantasy concepts that existed in this world.
During my many years of gaming I have false started many of the Warhammer Races that interested me the most. Empire, Lizardmen, Bretonians, and High Elves, are the short list of races I always wanted to play. So if I always had this desire to play Warhammer, what has stopped me over the years. The answer is simple.
The game.
There are many players that will disagree with me, and this is just my personal opinion, but the Warhammer game has not been a fun game for quite some time. Everytime I would feel that fantasy itch in my early years, get some models together and actually sit down and play the game, I would immediately shelve the army I was building and going back to the realm of tanks and boltguns.
Why? Well the game simply wasn't fun. Basically when you have Army "A" charge Army "B", automatically go first, kill your front rank before you had a chance to strike, and make you flee off the table in the course of a turn, that didn't make the investment of 40 to 60 dollars a unit (not to mention the high priced metals) worth it. I also absolutely hated that only the front guys in a rank get to fight. I never saw it as a good return on my time to assemble and paint big blocks of infantry to only get maybe 5 attacks.
That is not to say that Fantasy didn't have it's backers in the last editions. I am sure there are many people out there that loved the fantasy game for every reason I disliked it. But as the immortal Austin Powers says "It just isn't my bag, baby".
Having said that what has changed? Almost everything.
My advice to everyone who has even heard of the game, forget what you know. This is almost a totally new game system.
Sure the basics are still there. Four phases to the game, blocks of infantry and calvary, warmachines, monsters, etc., etc. still all exist. You declare charges at the start of the game, you move per your movement rate (and have the option to march), you cast spells in the magic phase, you shoot in the shooting phase, and you fight your combats in the assault phase. All standard fantasy affairs.
But the system has changed for the better in many ways. The more I play and experience things I will be posting more in depth reviews of certain aspects, but I will go over some of the key differences and why I think they have improved overall game play.
The fundamental change to the game is that you can premeasure everything. Suddenly, the game is no longer about who can determine distances anymore, but rather what your army can do.
Premeasureing is the major change that trickles down into the rest of the game.
But let's get to the major changes and how they effect the way the game plays.
First: Charging. Charging is a random distance of 2D6 plus your movement (Calvary, Monsters, etc. get 3D6 and pick the two highest). Your opponent still has charge reactions, so the decision to charge is still a live or die part of the game. If I am 13" away from my Skaven opponent with my unit of Swordsmen, do I charge? At first glance that may be an obvious answer, but what if my opponent flees? It is doubtful that at that distance, your charge distance is going to equal the Skaven's 2D6 roll plus the 13" difference. Now suddenly I have a 20 man infantry block out of position with the rest of my army.
Second: Magic. Like all versions of the game, Magic is very much a phase you have to plan out ahead of time. Now, instead of generating dice (which lead to some armies just dominating with ridiculous amounts of power dice), it is now a simple roll of 2D6. You get the total of the number rolled, your opponent gets the highest die number you rolled. You can throw large numbers of dice at any particular spell, adding the level of your wizard to the pool. With these changes, magic is very much a quality over quantity system now. Level 4 Wizards have a great chance to cast, can have and cast more spells, and have a greater ability to dispel. Because of the limited amount of dice that can be thrown around, bonuses to your casting (such as being a level 4) or abilities that can add extra dice will be king of the magic phase. (Slaan are absolutely scary).
Third: Shooting. Most everything is the same, the modifiers to hit and save modifiers hasn't really gone anywhere. The biggest thing is the removal of partials. Template weapons, that where few and far between anyways, finally feel worth it. Considering you still need to roll to wound and very few template weapons are highly damaging weapons, the loss of partials is a good thing.
Forth: Combat. All models fight at initiative now and there is no chance of killing the front rank anymore. In addition, all units fight further in. You will always get a supporting attack from the second rand, spears give you an additional rank worth of fighting if they are charged. So basically the changes in combat have made combats much more brutal and shifted the responsibility of fighting combat from who got the charge back onto the capabilities of the unit. This, I think, is probably the biggest change and the one that has really made the game great. For example, Empire generally have 3 State Trooper options, all at the same cost (if they have shields). In 7th, there was almost no reason to field anything but Swordsmen because, with the higher weapon skill and your first rank only fighting, the benefits of the other options didn't help. Now, an Empire player really has a choice. Do I take Swordsmen and utilize the higher weapon skill but suffer if I fight other units with equal or higher weapon skill? Do I take Halberters that are going to hit most things on 4s but have a higher strength to wound things? Or do I take spearmen and try and win on weight of attacks? As you can see these changes have fundamentally changed how most armies put units on the table, and how they support them. Some armies will field tarpit units, some will field units that rush into the charge. To me, the new system rewards a greater amount of diversity of units in the system.
Lastly: Terrain. Terrain is much more plentiful these days, which is great because that means the fantasy battlefields will not always be barren wastelands with little on it. They also addressed this in the core rules with only putting minor penalties on the units, making the greater increase of terrain not bog down the game.
All these changes make for a system that is a lot quicker to play and battles that are incredibly bloody as well.
So ultimately, I really like the system. I am sure there are going to be hard core players that will hate how big of a change it is, but to me, they addressed mostly everything I felt was wrong with the system.
The biggest thing though is that it is fun. Could you ask for more?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I'm debating it.
I know, say it isn't so.
I've made a stand against the system for years due to it's fiddly bullshit movement rules. But I played my first game in ten years today, and I liked it. I had my ass handed to me, of course (friggin Dark Elf assassins!), but there were a few moments out there that seemed like fun.
I ended up borrowing a friend's High Elf army, with a big block of 50 Lothran Sea-guard, White Lions, Sword Masters, and Phoenix Guard. Add in two mages and a lord, and that was it. He pulled out a Hydra, Two units of Corsairs, and some Cold One Knights. I did well in the Magic Phase (despite a miscast), but he pummeled the snot out of me in the Melee Phase. Though I did have a champion challenge one of his Assassins, and over the course of two rounds, the assassin proceeded to whiff entirely, while my champion murdered him outright. It was all for naught, though. Eternal Hatred carried the day. I was sent scurrying back to my island home, with the forces of Naggaroth claiming the field of victory.
The game was well paced, the combat was relatively transparent, and the new casualty removal rules made the second + ranks seem less like counters and more like they were part of the unit. I'll have to sit down with the rules at some point and read through them more thoroughly. But, all in all, I enjoyed it.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sanguinary Guard WIP, again
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Quick and Dirty Sang Priest in Terminator Armor
I was bored today, and so I went on a cleaning spree of my hobby bench.
I came across a spare Corbulo (from the old Heros of the Imperium Set, if you remember that), and a spare AoBR Terminator.
So, I got out my trusty clippers and razor saw, and got to work.
First, I cut the face of the terminator down to give it that Grey Knight look. I wish the idea was mine, but I stole it from Bolter and Chainsword.
I then cut off the Chalice hand of Corbulo just past the elbow, and did the same with the terminator's corresponding arm. I took care to keep the wires on the Exsanguinator portion of the arm. I pinned the metal piece to the plastic arm, and added a spare devotional cloth to the shoulder pad of the arm. I then took a spare searchlight from the DA Assault Cannon for the Land Speeder, and added it to the Priest's back.
Here's the semi-finished product. I'm going to go back and tidy up the mold lines, and add sculpted blood drops. I'm also going to tidy up the helmet a bit as well. But I think it looks good so far.
I came across a spare Corbulo (from the old Heros of the Imperium Set, if you remember that), and a spare AoBR Terminator.
So, I got out my trusty clippers and razor saw, and got to work.
First, I cut the face of the terminator down to give it that Grey Knight look. I wish the idea was mine, but I stole it from Bolter and Chainsword.
I then cut off the Chalice hand of Corbulo just past the elbow, and did the same with the terminator's corresponding arm. I took care to keep the wires on the Exsanguinator portion of the arm. I pinned the metal piece to the plastic arm, and added a spare devotional cloth to the shoulder pad of the arm. I then took a spare searchlight from the DA Assault Cannon for the Land Speeder, and added it to the Priest's back.
Here's the semi-finished product. I'm going to go back and tidy up the mold lines, and add sculpted blood drops. I'm also going to tidy up the helmet a bit as well. But I think it looks good so far.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
So I just got back from the Semi-Finals...
Scooter, Damien, Leigh and I all caravaned up to The Aventurer's Guild in Harrisburg, Pa to take part in the 'ard Boyz Semi-Finals tourney.
Here's my list:
My first opponent, Kier, was using a two Land Raider Crusader Blood Angels list with a crap ton of Typhoons, two units of missile devs, Asteroth with a jump squad, and a multi-melta dread in a pod. I had first turn, and set up with an aggressive position with my Vindicators, LRC, Attack Bikes, Libby Dread, and I had this all backed up by my PA Libby in the Rhino with Shield of Sanginius. I kept my double melta assault squad in reserve to DS with the Sanguniary Priest with the jump pack, and my other jump assaults to reserve in on the long table edge near my placed objective. Essentially, my plan was a basic pincer move. I would herd my enemy from his corner, down to where my reserves would be coming on, and we would meet in the middle. This plan worked almost perfectly.
I could tell that this opponent was not as familiar with the Blood Angles codex as he would have liked. He didn't know that Vindies were fast, and how the Psychic powers worked. I advanced into his lines, and he was hesitant to strike against me, holding Astaroth and his squad back. One of his LRCs was immobilized the first turn, and while his fire neutralized the Vindies with stuns and shakings, he kept pouring fire into them, letting everything else into close contact with troops. My Terminators ended up killing his Devs, Astaroth, and his squad, while my attack bikes and LRC pummeled his Land Speeders into submission. He did pop my Librarian dread first thing with his podded dread, but, for the most part, I kept everything intact and functioning. What did not work on my end was meltas vs his second LRC. It happened to be parked near an objective, and cost me the Massacre. Major Win, with three points.
Second game had me playing against Trevor, an Iron Fist Leagueer, who was also using an Asteroth BA list. 3 Storm Ravens, Death Company, DC Dreads, Furiosos, Lemartes, a partridge in a pear tree... I won the toss to got first or second, and I went second, keeping everything in reserve. As I began to trickle in on the second turn, I ended up with my double melta squad DSing onto a Storm Raven (Yes, I know, even with DoA), but beyond that, I got about a third of the force in. I pulled them onto the extreme right flank, hoping to mitigate the left-most storm raven and a libby furioso. It was very touch and go at first, with my casualties mounting quickly. But the tide turned with Trevor moved a Storm Raven near the board's edge to get a rear shot against my Vindie, and ended up killing it. The next turn, I surrounded its base, and wrecked it. Since he had to deploy, and there was nowhere else to go... There went a DC dread and the only other scoring troop in the game. I killed off about 500-600 points in one blow. From there, I mopped up. Trevor was jovial throughout, and a great opponent. He ended up giving me the Massacre, and two bonus points were earned in addition.
That placed me in a very good position to take one of the top three spots. I ended up facing Damien Greene, who I played in the last 'ard Boyz as well. It was a hard fought, and fantastic game. Damien and I fought tooth and nail the entire time, and shook hands at the end. He was running a Kahn bike list, with three Twin-linked AC Dreads, an Inquisitor with Tarot, three bike squads, three thunderfire cannons, two inquisitorial melta storm troopers in rhinos, and two landspeeder typhoon squadrons. He castled center, and I came in from my side deployment, all in at once. I defeated myself. I thought I could take out his melta storm troopers in the rhinos, but it was all for naught. They popped both my vindicators in the second turn. It turned that area into a parking lot. After that, I got bogged down in assault, which Khan left over and over with his hit and run. It was frustrating as all hell. His thunderfires kept pinging me to death. Over six weary turns, he killed all but 310 points of my list, where I didn't even get quite through half of his. My TH/SS terminators were rockstars, though. They survived almost until the last turn, and ended up chasing Khan and his squad off, earning me my one lonely point for this round.
Total Score: 43 points, Damien took first, Logan Payne took second, and Scooter scoot, scoot, scooted into third.
Here's my list:
Flesh Tearers | ||
HQ | ||
Reclusiarch | Power Fist | 145 |
Librarian | Blood Lance Shield of Sanginus | 100 |
Troops | ||
Assault Squad, 10 | Sgt Cost Paired Lightning Claw Flamer Flamer | 230 |
Assault Squad, 10 | Sgt Cost Power Fist Melta Melta | 235 |
Assault Squad, 9 | Sgt Cost Power Fist Remove jump packs Melta Gun Rhino Searchlight | 223 |
Assault Squad, 10 | Sgt Cost Power Fist Flamer Flamer | 225 |
Elites | ||
Sanguinary Priests, 2 | Jump pack Power Weapon for Jump Priest | 140 |
Assault Terminators, 7 | Lightning Claws x2 Thunder Hammers x 5 Land Raider Crusader Multi-Melta | 565 |
Furioso Dreadnaught, 1 | Librarian Dreadnought Wings of Sanguinous Might of Heroes | 175 |
Fast Attack | ||
Attack Bike, 1 | Multi-Melta | 50 |
Attack Bike, 1 | Multi-Melta | 50 |
Attack Bike, 1 | Multi-Melta | 50 |
Heavy Support | ||
Vindicator, 1 | Siege Shield Searchlight | 156 |
Vindicator, 1 | Siege Shield Searchlight | 156 |
Points Summary: | ||
HQ: | 245 | |
Troops: | 913 | |
Elites: | 880 | |
Fast Attack: | 150 | |
Heavy Support: | 312 | |
Total: | 2500 |
My first opponent, Kier, was using a two Land Raider Crusader Blood Angels list with a crap ton of Typhoons, two units of missile devs, Asteroth with a jump squad, and a multi-melta dread in a pod. I had first turn, and set up with an aggressive position with my Vindicators, LRC, Attack Bikes, Libby Dread, and I had this all backed up by my PA Libby in the Rhino with Shield of Sanginius. I kept my double melta assault squad in reserve to DS with the Sanguniary Priest with the jump pack, and my other jump assaults to reserve in on the long table edge near my placed objective. Essentially, my plan was a basic pincer move. I would herd my enemy from his corner, down to where my reserves would be coming on, and we would meet in the middle. This plan worked almost perfectly.
I could tell that this opponent was not as familiar with the Blood Angles codex as he would have liked. He didn't know that Vindies were fast, and how the Psychic powers worked. I advanced into his lines, and he was hesitant to strike against me, holding Astaroth and his squad back. One of his LRCs was immobilized the first turn, and while his fire neutralized the Vindies with stuns and shakings, he kept pouring fire into them, letting everything else into close contact with troops. My Terminators ended up killing his Devs, Astaroth, and his squad, while my attack bikes and LRC pummeled his Land Speeders into submission. He did pop my Librarian dread first thing with his podded dread, but, for the most part, I kept everything intact and functioning. What did not work on my end was meltas vs his second LRC. It happened to be parked near an objective, and cost me the Massacre. Major Win, with three points.
Second game had me playing against Trevor, an Iron Fist Leagueer, who was also using an Asteroth BA list. 3 Storm Ravens, Death Company, DC Dreads, Furiosos, Lemartes, a partridge in a pear tree... I won the toss to got first or second, and I went second, keeping everything in reserve. As I began to trickle in on the second turn, I ended up with my double melta squad DSing onto a Storm Raven (Yes, I know, even with DoA), but beyond that, I got about a third of the force in. I pulled them onto the extreme right flank, hoping to mitigate the left-most storm raven and a libby furioso. It was very touch and go at first, with my casualties mounting quickly. But the tide turned with Trevor moved a Storm Raven near the board's edge to get a rear shot against my Vindie, and ended up killing it. The next turn, I surrounded its base, and wrecked it. Since he had to deploy, and there was nowhere else to go... There went a DC dread and the only other scoring troop in the game. I killed off about 500-600 points in one blow. From there, I mopped up. Trevor was jovial throughout, and a great opponent. He ended up giving me the Massacre, and two bonus points were earned in addition.
That placed me in a very good position to take one of the top three spots. I ended up facing Damien Greene, who I played in the last 'ard Boyz as well. It was a hard fought, and fantastic game. Damien and I fought tooth and nail the entire time, and shook hands at the end. He was running a Kahn bike list, with three Twin-linked AC Dreads, an Inquisitor with Tarot, three bike squads, three thunderfire cannons, two inquisitorial melta storm troopers in rhinos, and two landspeeder typhoon squadrons. He castled center, and I came in from my side deployment, all in at once. I defeated myself. I thought I could take out his melta storm troopers in the rhinos, but it was all for naught. They popped both my vindicators in the second turn. It turned that area into a parking lot. After that, I got bogged down in assault, which Khan left over and over with his hit and run. It was frustrating as all hell. His thunderfires kept pinging me to death. Over six weary turns, he killed all but 310 points of my list, where I didn't even get quite through half of his. My TH/SS terminators were rockstars, though. They survived almost until the last turn, and ended up chasing Khan and his squad off, earning me my one lonely point for this round.
Total Score: 43 points, Damien took first, Logan Payne took second, and Scooter scoot, scoot, scooted into third.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Of Tournaments and (Little Tiny) Men
Games Workshop has posted their final revisions for the 'ard Boyz Scenarios, which can be found here.
So, what do I think about them? They're clearly slanted towards assault based armies. Considering I'm taking Blood Angels, I'm strangely okay with that. I've made plans for all three missions, which I will not reveal until later, for obvious reasons. Bwah-ha-hah.
Also of note, I am strongly considering the Nova Open. The internet buzz seems fairly positive, and the Tournament Organizer's dedication to balance in both scenario and prize support seems dead on. I've invited my teammates from Team Banzai; let's see if they want to play along.
All this will be prep for the Team Tourney and Championships at Adepticon, which I'm really looking forward to participating in. Oh, I have plans within plans for the Team Tourney... Bwah-ha-haha-hah. All secret of course, I passed the reality check course at villains school, and I won't be monologuing my plans to you all.
Oh, and then there's Games Day as well. I'm attending on behalf of a gentleman in Chicago who can not make it to Baltimore, but still wants the Games Day model. Oh, if I must. Since it's likely to be the last one in Baltimore, I think it'll be good to attend. I've heard rumors that next year it will be in Vegas, which would not offend me in the slightest. I did fairly well with craps last time I was out there, so I might have to add dice rolling to my rolling dice hobby. Games Day would be a lot better with cocktail waitresses, to be sure.
So, what do I think about them? They're clearly slanted towards assault based armies. Considering I'm taking Blood Angels, I'm strangely okay with that. I've made plans for all three missions, which I will not reveal until later, for obvious reasons. Bwah-ha-hah.
Also of note, I am strongly considering the Nova Open. The internet buzz seems fairly positive, and the Tournament Organizer's dedication to balance in both scenario and prize support seems dead on. I've invited my teammates from Team Banzai; let's see if they want to play along.
All this will be prep for the Team Tourney and Championships at Adepticon, which I'm really looking forward to participating in. Oh, I have plans within plans for the Team Tourney... Bwah-ha-haha-hah. All secret of course, I passed the reality check course at villains school, and I won't be monologuing my plans to you all.
Oh, and then there's Games Day as well. I'm attending on behalf of a gentleman in Chicago who can not make it to Baltimore, but still wants the Games Day model. Oh, if I must. Since it's likely to be the last one in Baltimore, I think it'll be good to attend. I've heard rumors that next year it will be in Vegas, which would not offend me in the slightest. I did fairly well with craps last time I was out there, so I might have to add dice rolling to my rolling dice hobby. Games Day would be a lot better with cocktail waitresses, to be sure.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Mark Your Calendars Now
To quote Shang Tsung: IT HAS BEGUN!
As per Adepticon's site.
Mark your calendars and put in for vaction now.
As per Adepticon's site.
It’s time to mark your calendar and start making travel plans, because on April 1st, 2011, AdeptiCon will return to the Chicagoland area for our NINTH year of miniature wargaming excitement! Once again, the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center will be hosting AdeptiCon, providing a home for the one weekend that brings together those of us who are passionate about the miniature wargaming hobby.
Last year over 1200 hobbyists took part in the fellowship, excitement, and enthusiasm that has earned AdeptiCon its reputation as the “can’t miss” event of the year for the miniature wargamers across the country and the globe. We brought back our traditional Games Workshop favorites, and expanded our lineup of events to include new core gaming systems, such as Privateer Press’s Warmachine and Hordes, and Battlefront’s Flames of War. You can expect all of our core gaming systems to return, with a lineup of both traditional AdeptiCon signature events as well as new, exciting challenges.
Registration will begin this fall, so stay tuned for more updates!
Mark your calendars and put in for vaction now.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tweaked 'ard Boyz list for this Saturday
With this list, I have a heavy assault Death Star in the TH/SS Terminators, I have 4-7 troops units for claiming objectives, two hoods for Psy defense, three melta units for anti-tank, a twin AC dread for pinging troop transports at range. I'm going to attempt to try it today or tomorrow and see how effective it is.
Flesh Tearers 4th Company Blood Angels | ||
HQ | ||
Reclusiarch | Power Fist | 145 |
Librarian | Unleash Rage Shield of Sanginus Epistolary | 150 |
Troops | ||
Assault Squad, 10 | Sgt Cost Power Fist Flamer Flamer | 225 |
Assault Squad, 10 | Sgt Cost Power Fist Melta Melta | 235 |
Assault Squad, 9 | Sgt Cost Power Fist Remove jump packs Melta Gun Rhino Searchlight | 223 |
Assault Squad, 10 | Sgt Cost Power Fist Flamer Flamer | 225 |
Elites | ||
Sanguinary Priests, 2 | Jump pack | 125 |
Assault Terminators, 7 | Lightning Claws x2 Thunder Hammers x 5 Land Raider Crusader Multi-Melta Searchlight | 566 |
Furioso Dreadnaught, 1 | Librarian Dreadnought Wings of Sanguinous Might of Heroes | 175 |
Heavy Support | ||
Vindicator, 1 | Siege Shield | 155 |
Vindicator, 1 | Siege Shield | 155 |
Dreadnought, 1 | Twin-linked Auto-cannon Twin-linked Auto-cannon Searchlight | 121 |
Points Summary: | ||
HQ: | 295 | |
Troops: | 908 | |
Elites: | 866 | |
Fast Attack: | 0 | |
Heavy Support: | 431 | |
Total: | 2500 |
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Battlefoam makes foam for ALL your gaming needs!
I think that Battlefoam has just won the foam wars.
A friend of mine from the Freebootaz, Brother Grimm, has ordered this particular gaming accessory from Romeo and his company, who make custom foam inserts to your specifications. This is in addition to their expansive line of trays for their own bags, and their foam trays available for Sabol and GW style cases.
And no, they're not compensating me in any way.
Building an Ard Boyz list, an excercise in theory...
Since this Saturday isn't the real Ard Boyz for me (playing in the "consolation" tournament here.) I though I would theory out a list in public to show how I rationalize a list, and look for any comments towards my method.
Basically, I look for three elements in a list:
1) Good anti-tank
2) Good Long Range Shooting
3) A decent assault element or two (or three)
After playtesting Saturday, I settled on a "core" of my list:
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback = 290
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback = 290
Predator w/ Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Dozerblade = 140
Predator w/ Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Dozerblade = 140
Stormraven w/ Twin-linked Lascannon, Twin-linked Multimelta, Hurricane Bolters, Extra Armor = 245
The troops are a little pricey, but there is something to be said with having 7 Lascannons on the table. I found that Blood Angels really need decent anti-tank at range, to help disrupt the enemy enough to fight on their terms. People may disagree but Lascannons are important still...
So, that starts me off at 1105 with no HQs just yet.
I am a little light on anti-infantry, and I have two Heavy Flamer Razorbacks dieing to be used. Assault Marines are a great way to get two more Razorbacks (and two more scoring units) on the table. Since I get a discount, and I am already paying a premium for the Tactical Squads Razorbacks, I think it is time for a split.
So now my scoring "core" is:
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Powerweapon in Heavy Flamer Razorback = 255
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Powerweapon in Heavy Flamer Razorback = 255
5-man Assault Squad w/ Flamer, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback = 175
5-man Assault Squad w/ Flamer, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback = 175
That is only 860 in a 2500 point list, and a potential of 6 scoring units.
Now I am at 1385 for all the troops, and the heavy support section.
Still no HQ though. My list is tracking shooty, so I think it's time to add some assault elements. Most of the Blood Angel Characters are assault characters, save regular Tycho (which would be my choice is a shooty from hell list). I am not a big fan of Mephiston, though he is a beast, I get screwed against Eldar and Space Wolves. The Sanguinor is a favorite of mine, but he doesn't really "gel" with the core of this list, most of my sergeants are going to be in transports most of the game, so his blessing will be lost.
No, I think we need Dante. If I include Powers in my list, I can limit some of the other armies defense, and some "hidden" characters suffer from his rule.
So if I include Dante, what support do I give him? I think his best support is squad with Jump Packs to capitalize on his special ability. I have plenty of scoring units, so I don't need troops sanguinary guard (and Death Company may need a place...) so I am going with Honor Guard, mainly for their "free" sanguinary priest that can't be targeted.
So my typical build for Honor Guard have been refined to this:
5 Honor Guard w/ Jump Packs, Sanguinary Novitiate, 2 Lightning Claw/ Storm Shield, 2 Meltaguns = 235
To further add to the "fun", I like to include a second HQ in a Jump Pack Librarian, as far as powers go, how about "Unleash Rage" to boast Dante and the Honor Guard, and "Blood Lance" to further the tank firepower.
Protip: Blood Lance doesn't have a target so you can draw a line in another direction then what the unit actually fires at.
So this combo costs a mighty 585. A little much, but worth it.
That puts us at 1970. A little close to our "ceiling".
I feel like another assault element is needed, plus I need something in that Stormraven.
I haven't touched the elites yet, and I also have Death Company as an option. Elites can go quickly, and I think at this point level, I need some Sanguinary Guard to buff the amount of probably 5 man squads my list has. Terminators seem fun, but I think I already have the "quality" assault unit in the Honor Guard.
Basically, it comes down to whether I want to include Corbulo. Corbulo and 2 cheap Sanguinary Guard puts me at 2175. A little tight to fit the Stormraven element (which I want to be an assault element and a Dreadnought).
To hell with it, they are in the list.
325 left...
Death Company would be nice, but I can't field them without a Chaplain, and that would burn the rest of my points.
But of course I feel the same way towards Terminators.
Since the Dreadnought is going to be a Blood Talons Dreadnought, it comes down to Furioso versus Death Company.
I think the Death Company Dreadnought is more important in this equation, namely for it's ability to fleet off the Stormraven. Being in the transport prevents rage from being a liability, and in this equation more reliable delivery matters.
Making that choice will put me over, as I don't feel comfortable fielding the Death Company outside of this configuration:
Chaplain = 100
8-man Death Company w/ Thunderhammer, 2 Power weapons, 5 Bolters = 220
Death Company Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer = 135
Total = 455
which puts me over by 130. I think Corbulo is a luxury and should be dropped.
So that is 25 over. Hmmm....
There isn't anything I really want to drop. So making the sacrifice to make this list work is going to be a hard decision.
Let's add it up again for good measure:
Dante = 225
Librarian w/ Unleash Rage, Blood Lance, Jump Pack = 125
5 Honor Guard w/ Jump Packs, Sanguinary Novitiate, 2 Lightning Claw/ Storm Shield, 2 Meltaguns = 235
2 Sanguinary Priests = 100
Chaplain = 100
8-man Death Company w/ Thunderhammer, 2 Power weapons, 5 Bolters = 220
Death Company Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer = 135
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Powerweapon in Heavy Flamer Razorback = 255
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Powerweapon in Heavy Flamer Razorback = 255
5-man Assault Squad w/ Flamer, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback = 175
5-man Assault Squad w/ Flamer, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback = 175
Predator w/ Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Dozerblade = 140
Predator w/ Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Dozerblade = 140
Stormraven w/ Twin-linked Lascannon, Twin-linked Multimelta, Hurricane Bolters, Extra Armor = 245
Total = 2525
Let's nickle and dime this a little.
What if we swap the Power Weapons on the Tactical Sergents to Combi-weapons. Puts basically another Melta in that squad and cuts 10 points.
Next up, lets drop the dozer blades from the Predators, I think that matter more on the Baals.
So 20 points saved. 5 points left to drop. I will drop a meltagun from the Honor Guard. Hurts, but between Dante's pistol and Blood Lance, it isn't absolutley necessary. Since I have plenty of shooty elements, I may need some searchlights for Dawn of War. 5 searchlights on 5 tanks puts me at exactly 2500.
So here is the final list:
Dante = 225
Librarian w/ Unleash Rage, Blood Lance, Jump Pack = 125
5 Honor Guard w/ Jump Packs, Sanguinary Novitiate, 2 Lightning Claw/ Storm Shield, Meltagun = 225
2 Sanguinary Priests = 100
Chaplain = 100
8-man Death Company w/ Thunderhammer, 2 Power weapons, 5 Bolters = 220
Death Company Dreadnought w/ Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer = 135
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Combi-melta in Heavy Flamer Razorback = 250
10-man Tactical Squad w/ Meltagun, Lascannon, Combi-melta in Heavy Flamer Razorback = 250
5-man Assault Squad w/ Flamer, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback, Searchlight = 176
5-man Assault Squad w/ Flamer, Powerweapon in Assault Cannon Razorback, Searchlight = 176
-Heavy Support-
Predator w/ Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Searchlight= 136
Predator w/ Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons, Searchlight= 136
Stormraven w/ Twin-linked Lascannon, Twin-linked Multimelta, Hurricane Bolters, Extra Armor, Searchlight = 246
Total = 2500
Let's see how it does. Thoughts?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Even More Progress
My vindicator now has a brother to attend battles with him.
Vindicator #2 has a green blood drop on him, indicating that it is from the 4th company's motor pool. According to the old background, the Flesh Tearers have only 4 companies left due to constant attrition, so this is from that last Company, as are all my Flesh Tearers. Of course, the green drop is the one for which GW doesn't make a transfer, so I have to hand paint all of mine. I wanted to weather the paint on both the Siege Shields, as I tend to make great use of them. These tanks get run through every stand of trees on the table, it seems. At some point, I'll have to weather the tanks as well.
Speaking of green blood drops, I've made a bit of progress on the Librarian Dread as well. I didn't like the highlights I did on him, so I glazed over them with some Red Ink mixed with a touch of Devlan Mud. It got me the right tone, but it left him too glossy for my liking. I'm hoping to find a decent matte sealer to tone him down.
Vindicator #2 has a green blood drop on him, indicating that it is from the 4th company's motor pool. According to the old background, the Flesh Tearers have only 4 companies left due to constant attrition, so this is from that last Company, as are all my Flesh Tearers. Of course, the green drop is the one for which GW doesn't make a transfer, so I have to hand paint all of mine. I wanted to weather the paint on both the Siege Shields, as I tend to make great use of them. These tanks get run through every stand of trees on the table, it seems. At some point, I'll have to weather the tanks as well.
Speaking of green blood drops, I've made a bit of progress on the Librarian Dread as well. I didn't like the highlights I did on him, so I glazed over them with some Red Ink mixed with a touch of Devlan Mud. It got me the right tone, but it left him too glossy for my liking. I'm hoping to find a decent matte sealer to tone him down.
Flesh Tearers,
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sanguinary Guard WIP
I'm going against the traditional* paint scheme to better match my Flesh Tearer painted Dante (who was my Seth before they had a Seth model/rules). They'll have black wings and shoulder pads, and golden death masks.
I don't know if I'll use the unit, but damn do these models look pretty**. This is my second layer of red over black. The total process is Mechrite->Scab Red->Red Gore->Blood Red->Baal Red.
The base on the model is one that I cast myself, and has a pin in it to give it the appearance of flying.
*Traditional, aka, invented by GW a few months ago.
**That's a compliment to the sculptors, not to my very much WIP paint job, mind you.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Hive of Activity (Works in Progress)
I've been getting things together for this week's Tournament @ Blob Park, and since it's a "paint optional" event, I don't have to get things together for it.
But it still feels better having a cohesive looking army on the board. To that end, I've been working on getting things painted if I can make the tourney.
You can click on any of the images, and it'll take you to the image's dakka page, where you can see it full sized, and even zoom in on things. Dakka's Gallery is free for members, and membership to Dakka is free. So, win.
These terminators are not fully highlighted, and are missing lens work on the two in the back. Plus, My Baal Red wash got all shiny. I'll have to dullcoat them at some point.
I need to work on the siege shield, the smoke stacks, and the cupola gun, but otherwise, we're done with this one. I still have to finish another one, though.
This is nowhere near done, paint job wise, but I like how the conversion came out.
All metal bodies + all plastic arms means I pinned each of them. There's nothing worse than hunting for missing body parts.
These High Priests are pretty much done, except for basing and a few touch ups.
But it still feels better having a cohesive looking army on the board. To that end, I've been working on getting things painted if I can make the tourney.
You can click on any of the images, and it'll take you to the image's dakka page, where you can see it full sized, and even zoom in on things. Dakka's Gallery is free for members, and membership to Dakka is free. So, win.
These terminators are not fully highlighted, and are missing lens work on the two in the back. Plus, My Baal Red wash got all shiny. I'll have to dullcoat them at some point.
I need to work on the siege shield, the smoke stacks, and the cupola gun, but otherwise, we're done with this one. I still have to finish another one, though.
This is nowhere near done, paint job wise, but I like how the conversion came out.
All metal bodies + all plastic arms means I pinned each of them. There's nothing worse than hunting for missing body parts.
These High Priests are pretty much done, except for basing and a few touch ups.
Flesh Tearers,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Battle For Blob's Park
This weekend, the Battle For Blob's Park is happening in Jessup, MD.
For 40k, they're having a 2000 point 4 round tournament. This is all taking place in Blob's Park, which has a German Beer Garden attached to the park. Let me restate that: GERMAN BEER GARDEN. Players of all ages will be allowed, and those of an appropriate age will be wrist banded and allowed to have a frosty adult beverage on hand. There is a camp ground on site for those who wish to spend the night.
Pro-Tip: If you have any interest in going, now would be a good time to sign up. Sign up by visiting the above link.
The Schedule is as follows:
There is rumored to mucho grande swag, and I hope the Inner Circle does not disappoint.
For 40k, they're having a 2000 point 4 round tournament. This is all taking place in Blob's Park, which has a German Beer Garden attached to the park. Let me restate that: GERMAN BEER GARDEN. Players of all ages will be allowed, and those of an appropriate age will be wrist banded and allowed to have a frosty adult beverage on hand. There is a camp ground on site for those who wish to spend the night.
Pro-Tip: If you have any interest in going, now would be a good time to sign up. Sign up by visiting the above link.
The Schedule is as follows:
8:00AM-8:30 AM – Check In
9:00AM – 11:30PM Round 1
11:30AM – 12:15PM LUNCH ON SITE
12:30PM – 3:00PM Round 2
3:30PM – 6:00PM Round 3
7:00PM – 9:30PM Round 4
9:45-10:30 – Awards and PRIZES!!
11:00PM – Movie, Popcorn, BEVERAGES! (BYOB)
There is rumored to mucho grande swag, and I hope the Inner Circle does not disappoint.
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